Monday, September 7, 2015

In John's debates with Mustapha in Chapters 16 and 17, why is John's source of understanding human nature important?Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Ironically, it is Mustapha Mond who cites Shakespeare's
Caliban from The Tempest, a passage that is one of the most poetic
of the play, and recited by the man-monster who seems incapable of such beautiful
language.  This recital by the Controller surprises John happily, "I thought nobody knew
about that book here, in England." Mustapha Mond explains that the New World has no use
for old things.  Besides, he explains, people cannot understand tragedies when they are
always kept happy. Mustapha says,


" can't make tragedies without
social instability.  The world's stable now.  People are happy; they get what they want,
and they never want what they can't

Mond mocks John the
Savage for talking to the Deltas about liberty. He further explains that in order to
have stability, the New World has sacrificed such things as Shakespeare's writings that
constitute "high art." Likewise, free choice, a topic about which Shakespeare writes is
also dangerous, so it has been sacrificed to genetic stability:  only so many Alphas and
more Epsilons.

But, John's having read Shakespeare, whom
critic Harold Bloom calls our first psychologist, allows him the understanding that
without misery, people can never achieve real happiness;  unending happiness is a way of
degrading man.  Mustapha counters, telling John that independence was not made for man;
it is an unnatural state.  And, God is not compatible with machinery and scientific
medicine and universal happiness, which have become the gods of the New

The Savage chooses not to lose control of his life,
the right to be unhappy, to experience life deliberately and with honesty.  John the
Savage rejects the characters of the Brave New World, choosing to exile

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