Friday, December 11, 2015

In Chapter 29 of his novel Billy Budd, Melville includes a newspaper account of the events described in the novel. Why does he do this?

In Chapter 29
of his novel Billy Budd, Herman Melville includes a newspaper
account of the events described in the novel.  His reasons for doing so can be variously
explain.  Such explanations include the

  • In the newspaper account, the
    execution of Billy Budd is merely one “among other matters” discussed.  For readers of
    Melville’s novel, as well as for many aboard the Bellipotent, the
    crime, trial, and execution of Billy have been matters of crucial importance.  For the
    rest of the world, however, these matters do not seem nearly so important.  Melville may
    be suggesting that newspaper accounts (unlike novels) cannot begin to do full justice to
    the events they report.

  • The newspaper is “an authorized
    weekly publication.” Melville’s novel has offered the story of Billy Budd in ways that
    cause many readers to question authority; this is not, obviously, the purpose of this
    “authorized” publication.

  • Melville’s narrator suggests
    that the newspaper account was “doubtless for the most part written in good faith” –
    words that are typical of Melville’s frequently ambiguous phrasing. Words such as
    “doubtless” and “for the most part” inevitably make us question the very assertions they
    seem to offer.

  • The newspaper account, from its very first
    paragraph, is not only obviously incorrect but also obviously biased. Melville may thus
    be suggesting how difficult it is to discover the “real truth” of any event, if indeed
    the such is even possible.

  • By suggesting that Billy was
    “no Englishman,” the newspaper account plays on xenophobic and nationalistic prejudices
    that Melville himself seems to be mocking.

  • By having the
    newspaper refer to “the extreme depravity of the criminal” (that is, Billy), Melville
    implicitly pits the subtlety and nuance of his own prose and his own perceptions against
    the sensationalism and bombast of shoddy popular

  • The fact that the newspaper account makes no
    pretense of being objective or unbiased helps highlight, by contrast, the greater
    complexity of Melville’s novel.

  • The newspaper article is
    essentially a piece of propaganda, designed to dictate the way others think. Melville’s
    novel, in contrast, is a work designed to lead readers to think for themselves and to
    arrive at their own conclusions.

  • The fact that the
    newspaper article explicitly approves of the swift execution of Billy Budd can be (and
    has been) used by critics of Captain Vere as evidence that Melville himself is
    undercutting the justice of Vere’s treatment of

  • Defenders of Vere, however, might argue that the
    newspaper account doesn’t begin to do justice to the real complexity of Vere’s own
    position, thoughts, and motives.

  • The final paragraph of
    Chapter 29 indirectly suggests the value of Melville’s own novel and implies how little
    of the “real truth” about the past we are usually likely to

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