Friday, October 2, 2015

What page does it tell you how to make acorn pancakes in My Side of the Mountain?

In my edition, the recipe for making acorn pancakes is on
page 67, in the chapter entitled "In Which Frightful Learns her ABCs." It is quite
incredible to think about how Sam, a young boy, is able to provide for himself and even
complete laborious tasks such as making flour out of acorns to supply his needs.
Certainly, this chapter explains how, now that he has become more established, and in
particular has enough food stored so that he does not have to hunt or worry about where
the next meal is going to come from, Sam has more time in order to engage in
time-consuming tasks such as flour making. Note how he has to do

I would
bake the acorns in the fire, and grind them between stones... I would simply add spring
water to the flour and bake this on a piece of tin. When done, I had the best pancakes
ever. They were flat and hard, like I imagined Indian bread to

They are of course an
acquired taste, as Sam's father discovers when he comes and stays with his son and needs
to cover a pancake in jam to be able to eat it!

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