According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
is defined by the following:
Phenomenology is the study of structures of
consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. The central structure
of an experience is its intentionality, its being directed toward something, as it is an
experience of or about some object. An experience is directed toward an object by virtue
of its content or meaning (which represents the object) together with appropriate
enabling conditions.
upon this definition, interpretation of a text can be studied phenomenologically by
looking at the experience which a character finds them self in and tying it to what has
happened previously in the text. To example, a character who has been violated in the
past would typically be shy to environments which are similar to the current situation
they find themselves in. A common way to bring forth phenomenology is to define an
object by a previous experience with it. If a character has been in a car accident, a
fear of driving or riding in a car could form. The character, then, would consciously
make a decision about the object (a car) and their feelings about
This is typically very important for an author, to find
a way for a reader to realte to the text and, more specifically, to a character. By
doing this, the author is insuring that the reader will get the most out of the text-
will come away having learned something about themselves or the world around
This effect also allows a reader to become engaged
and active while reading the text. If a reader has experienced situations similar to
that of a character, it allows the reader to relate to the character and, therefore,
creates a relationship between the reader and the
href="">Eagleton writes,
“The text itself is reduced to a pure embodiment of the author’s consciousness: all of
its stylistic and semantic aspects are grasped as organic parts of a complex totality,
of which the unifying essence is the author’s mind”
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