Friday, March 21, 2014

What are the advantages of the various types of economic systems?

Most economists argue that there are three economic
systems, three ways that economies can be organized.  These are command economies,
traditional economies, and market economies.  Each of the three has advantages and

  • Command economies are said to be
    better at adapting to changing needs.  A command economy, for example, would be able to
    change its ways to reduce fuel consumption and prevent climate change simply by having
    the government order changes.

  • Traditional economies are
    said to offer stability and consistency.  People in such an economy know what they will
    do with their lives.  They do not have to have stress and uncertainty as they try to
    decide what to do, how to do it, etc.

  • Market economies
    are said to offer the greatest individual freedom as well as the widest variety of goods
    at the lowest prices.  In such economies, people can do pretty much whatever they want
    without government or tradition telling them not to.  Competition gives us everything we
    can conceive of wanting at the lowest possible

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