Saturday, March 15, 2014

What is the sequence of "A Worn Path"?

A basic summary of this short story will help you to
identify the main elements of the sequence. The story begins on a cold winter day by
introducing Phoenix Jackson, an elderly African-American woman who is depicted as being
as old as time itself. She is walking from her home in the countryside to the city of
Natchez. As she goes on her journey, she encounters many obstacles that she has to
surpass to continue on her journey. Firstly, she has to battle through natural
obstacles, such as bushes and thorns. Then, she comes upon a scarecrow and a dog, and
also encounters a hunter who both helps her but also threatens her with his gun. When
she finally reaches Natchez, she goes to a doctor's surgery only to be patronised by the
receptionist. It is then that we are told the reason for this trip. Every year, Phoenix
Jackson makes this journey so that she can obtain medicine for her grandson, who is
seriously ill. This is a journey that Phoenix has made every year and will continue to
make every year as long as she is alive, for the worn path is "the worn path" of

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