Saturday, March 22, 2014

What is the role of Curley Of Mice and Men?

In the first description of Curley we see that he has to
prove his authority, hinting at his inferiority complex, as he wears “high-heeled boots”
to distinguish himself from the workers. This hints that he hasn’t earned his status; he
has got there through nepotism. This is in contrast to the description of Slim, who has
“natural authority” and it shows the illogical nature of the situation, that Curley has
more power. Steinbeck uses this situation to criticise the lack of social mobility at
that time, the opposite of the American

 Since Curley doesn’t have natural
authority, he tries to prove himself through violence. As well as being outwardly
‘pugnacious’, his violent nature even pervades his appearance, as he has “tightly curled
hair”. Through comparing Curley to a spring, Steinbeck emphasizes his irrational and
illogical confrontational nature, since he has not been provoked. This negative imagery
creates reader dislike at this endemic, unnecessary anger pervading ranch life and the
brutal nature of the times. In the plot of the novella, his ‘pugnacious’ characteristics
appear to be the first, almost prophetic, signs of trouble for George and

Curley is used by Steinbeck to symbolise
the pessimistic outlook, at the time of the Great Depression. When Curley enters the
Bunk House, he immediately ruins the atmosphere when he ‘glanced coldly’. This
unnecessary manner and the negative connotations of the adverb ‘coldly’, shows that the
other characters don’t welcome his behaviour. The behaviour of Curley doesn’t seem to an
isolated case either since Candy said, “I’ve seen many of ‘em”. The use of the pronoun
“em” dehumanises Curley and his attitude. Steinbeck does this to show that the
negativity of people like Curley is corrupting the American

The dangerous impact of his behaviour is
seen most clearly through his wife. Through her sex and her marriage to Curley, she has
become isolated from everyone. The fact that she “don’t like Curley” isolates her
further, so she has to find friendship from the other men.  This instinctive quest for
affection leads both her and Lennie into trouble when she tries to gain the physical
contact that she never got from Curley. In the quote “see how soft it is” we see how in
her desperation, she misjudges Lennie. In the prophetic nature of this quote, referring
to how Lennie behaves around soft things, we see how dangerous Curley’s behaviour

The dangerous effects of his violent
personality are shown in his treatment of Lennie at the end. When he hears of the death
of his wife, he immediately blames Lennie, “I know who done it”. Since violence pervades
his mind and their society, there is no trial, or justice for Lennie. Steinbeck shows
his critical nature of this situation through use of hyperbolic language, “I’ll kill the
big son-of-a-bitch myself” and this simultaneous reaction creates a farcical situation.
The rashness of his actions creates a sense of pathos for Lennie and the unfairness of
his broken dreams. It may be suggested that the rashness of society at the time is
preventing people from achieving the Jeffersonian Agrarian Myth.

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