To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator
by the numerator. The result is the value of the fraction in decimal form. If the result
has a large number of decimal digits, it can be rounded off to the appropriate
For example: 1/2 in decimal form is equal to 0.5
which is the result of dividing 1 by 2. 10/3 on the other hand gives 3.3333... , which
goes on forever. The number decimal digits here should be chosen based on the accuracy
To convert a decimal to a fraction, remove the
decimal point from the decimal number and write it as a whole number divided by ten
raised to a power equal to the number of decimal digits. Then simplify the fraction that
we get if that is possible to do.
For example to represent
1.25 as a fraction, write 1.25 = 125/10^2 = 125/100. Now simplify 125/100 to get 5/4 as
25 is a common factor in the numerator and denominator.
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