Monday, February 15, 2016

Why is The Catcher in the Rye so important in the history of ideas towards American class/social/cultural consciousness?I understand that at that...

if we look on America's history America headed towards
becoming one of the powerful nation of the world developing industrially,
technologically, scientiically, culturally since 1930 and in course of these development
Americans forgot their feelings emotions and so on. capitalism lead people towards
investment of everything even themselves and that creaded a sort of  depression on the
youth of the time. Our holden Caulfield is an representation of them. we can study the
plight of the youth of the time through Holden, stradlard, ackiey, carl luce, Sunny etc.
Holdens parents who are not encountered even once represent the timelessness of the
parents towards their children. Holden doesnot even once remembers any moment wid

This novel clearly pressents the then american
society thus it is an important key to study america of that

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