Sunday, December 1, 2013

What are the major organizations out there for genocide victims?I have a persuasive speech coming up, and I have to convince my audience to help...

Prior to answering, allow me to extend a hearty "Well
done" in the selection of this topic for your persuasive speech.  It is a timely one, as
the presence of genocide is a blight on the world.  Your bringing attention to this
topic is wonderful.  I think that you can focus on many different organizations that
provide relief and help to genocide victims.  Doctors without
is an organization that goes into war torn countries
and provides free medical care to those who sorely need it.  I think patronage of this
organization is noble as their work is truly the work of the divine.
 Avega- Agahozo is an organization
that is dedicated to helping Rwandan refugees work through the intense pain and trauma
caused by the genocide there.  This organization helps widows, orphans, and children who
have become the heads of their households.  The Red Cross/ Red
Crescent Society
is an internationally recognized symbol of
help to those who are in need, a haven in the heartless world of genocide.   These might
be a good starting point in your attempts to convince your colleagues of the importance
of helping these organizations who help those who are in the truest sense of

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