Thursday, March 6, 2014

What effect do winds from the ocean have on land near the ocean?The irregularity of land and water forms contributes to the variations in the...

In href="">human href="">civilization, wind has
inspired href="">mythology, influenced the
events of href="">history, expanded the range of
href="">transport and title="Warfare" href="">warfare, and
provided a href="">power source for title="Mechanical work"
href="">mechanical work, title="Electricity"
href="">electricity, and title="Recreation"
href="">recreation. Wind powers the
voyages of href="">sailing ships across
Earth's oceans. href="">Hot air balloons use
the wind to take short trips, and powered flight uses it to increase lift and reduce
fuel consumption. Areas of href="">wind shear caused by various
phenomena can lead to dangerous situations for href="">aircraft. When winds become
strong, trees and man-made structures are damaged or

Winds can shape landforms, via a variety of
href="">aeolian processes
such as the formation of fertile soils, such as href="">loess, and by title="Erosion" href="">erosion. title="Dust" href="">Dust from large title="Desert" href="">deserts can be
moved great distances from its source region by the href="">prevailing winds;
winds that are accelerated by rough topography and associated with dust outbreaks have
been assigned regional names in various parts of the world because of their significant
effects on those regions. Wind affects the spread of href="">wildfires. Winds disperse
seeds from various plants, enabling the survival and dispersal of those plant species,
as well as flying insect populations. When combined with cold temperatures, wind has a
negative impact on href="">livestock. Wind affects
animals' food stores, as well as their hunting and defensive

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