Sunday, April 20, 2014

After Atticus shoots the mad dog, Jem says, "Atticus is a gentleman, just like me!" What does this quote tell the reader about Jem's attitude...

Jem's quotation specifically addresses the humility found
in Atticus' character, a trait which had not become evident to his children until
Chapter 10 of To Kill a Mockingbird. The chapter begins with Jem
and Scout seeming somewhat ashamed of their "feeble" father, who had few interesting
attributes and "can't do anything." But they later discovered that Atticus had one
astounding ability of which he had never spoken. When the mad dog, Tim Johnson, came
walking down the street, it was Atticus who was thrust the rifle by Sheriff Tate in
order to take the dog down. Jem and Scout were "in a fog" as Atticus took aim and put a
bullet between Tim's eyes. It was the first time "One-Shot" Finch--the deadest shot
in Maycomb County--had fired a gun in 30 years. 


"Looks like he'd be proud of it," I

It was Miss Maudie who
explained to the children why Atticus had never spoken of this "gift of

in their right minds never take pride in their talents," said Miss

When Scout told Jem
that she couldn't wait to tell the kids at school, Jem ordered her to keep quiet. Jem
recognized that Atticus' humble nature was part of his makeup, and he decided that it
would now be part of his as well. He proudly told Scout

wouldn't care if he couldn't do a blessed thing... Atticus is a gentleman, just like

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