Monday, April 28, 2014

In John Tranter's poem called "Butterfly" what is the main idea presented?

This excellent poem takes as its subject a young woman who
is compared to a butterfly throughout the poem due to her tendency to flutter from one
position to the next and never stay anywhere for too long. Note how the poem begins by
emphasising this theme of moving from one place to

she was fourteen, she says,
she ran away from home, at sixteen
bought a big bike and hit the road,
moving from town to town, looking
something she can’t

The movement of a
butterfly, randomly going from one flower to another, is thus compared to the girl in
the way that she moves "from town to town" seemingly without purpose or explanation. As
the poem says, with her, "it's just one weird thing after another," as she went from
roaming on her bike to fixing computers. The central comparison is made clear by the
present situation the girl finds herself in. The speaker tells us that "briefly, she's
alighted" to work in a pet shop during winter. The use of "alighted" is an implied
metaphor that reinforces the central comparison. She has "alighted" on this job for now,
with her eyes "awake and dreaming," an apparent paradox, which again reinforces her
desire to constantly travel on in search of her dreams. The poem ends with the speaker
regarding this girl and how she is obviously contemplating her next

lights another cigarette, stares out
through the rainy window at the
full of showers and the heavy traffic
stalled on the
thinking of the open road,
sunshine, and the next

As regards the
message of this poem, it seems as if Tranter is presenting us with a figure who is
unable to commit to anything long-term and instead moves itinerantly from one position
or activity to the next. The speaker does not seem to judge the girl or her way of
living life, and indeed his comparison to her as a butterfly suggests that he finds
something beautiful in her aimlessness and her lack of commitment, and her ability to
not be tied down by one job or one position. Yet at the same time, the last stanza
suggests that she is so fixated on "the next flower" that she is unable to fully enjoy
the present and live it to the full. Lacking commitment is therefore shown to have its

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