Your question intrigued me so much that I just had to find
an answer for you. Believe it or not, the fear of colors is a documented phobia, called
chromophobia or chromatophobia. According to my research, like most phobias, the fear of
colors is triggered in early childhood when some traumatic event occurs and becomes
associated with a color. For instance, Sybil Dorset, who was said to suffer multiple
personality disorder, was afraid of the color purple. She associated it with a time when
her mother locked her inside a crate in the barn. Unknown to her mother, Sybil had a
purple crayon in her hand, and she scribbled on the wood until her mother set her free.
Symptoms of chromophobia can include "a feeling of dread, irregular heart beat, extreme
sweating, mouth becoming dry, inability to speak or express, occasional shaking, extreme
anxiety, shortness of breath, relentless sweating and
Click on the links for more
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