Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What motivates Rusty-James to steal and engage in other unlawful acts in Rumble Fish?

Much of the blame for Rusty-James' adolescent criminal
activity lies with his family upbringing. Rusty's mother, who apparently suffered from
criminal tendencies herself, abandoned the family and left Rusty alone for three days
when he was just two years old. Rusty's father, a former attorney, is a jobless drunk
who gives his sons little support or fatherly guidance. Rusty-James idolizes his older
brother, the Motorcycle Boy, a respected former gang leader who loves to steal
motorcycles and travel for months at a time. The mysterious Motorcycle Boy (whose real
name is never given) is rumored to have killed a junkie, and threatens to break
Rusty-James' arm if he ever uses drugs. Poverty and a lack of self-respect are other
reason's for Rusty's actions. Rusty-James' family serves as some of the poorest role
models possible, and Rusty--who hates being alone--finds the streets a better place to
inhabit than his own home. Rusty's love of fighting and stealing stem from a desire to
live up to his older brother's former stature, and he seems to think that by doing so,
the Motorcycle Boy--and other gang members--will respect and admire him as

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