Sunday, April 6, 2014

In Sylvia Plath's novel The Bell Jar, explain the importance of the "fig tree" as it relates to Esther's life and what it symbolizes.

When Esther, the main character of Sylvia Plath’s novel
The Bell Jar, finds herself ill in New York, she reads an issue of
Ladies’ Day, the magazine for which she is presently working. The
particular issue she reads happens to contain a story about a fig tree.  In the story, a
Jewish man and a Catholic nun regularly pick figs together from a tree growing on the
property line between his house and the convent.  However, one day their hands happen to
touch when they are looking at an egg hatching in a bird’s nest in the tree. After

mean-faced Catholic kitchen maid came to pick [the figs] instead and counted up the figs
after they were both through to be sure he hadn’t picked any more than she had, and the
man was furious.

Esther finds
the story lovely, especially its descriptions of the changes of the seasons, and she
regrets coming to the end of the tale. She fantasizes about climbing into the story and
falling asleep beneath the fig tree.  She finds the story relevant to her own
relationship with Buddy Willard, a young man with whom she has been involved. In
particular, she finds the separation between the couple in the story relevant to her own
estrangement from Buddy.

When Esther later thinks of the
fig tree, she finds it symbolic of a host of new opportunities that seem to exist for

I saw my
life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the

From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig,
a wonderful future beckoned and

Esther associates
each imagined fig with a different potential opportunity. Indeed, she imagines so many
different opportunities that she finally feels paralyzed about which to

wanted each and every one of them but choosing one meant losing all the rest . . .

Once again, then, the
figure tree is ironically associated with Esther’s disappointment and

The fig tree is mentioned briefly one more
time in the novel, but the second reference (just discussed) is by far the most detailed
and the most obviously significant symbolically. The imagery there of figs rotting and
decaying is typical of the dark, depressing tone of the novel as a

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