The bird is symbolic of the repression and abuse that the
main character endures during her dysfunctional marriage. However, the bird is also
important to set the tone and atmosphere of the story due to the impression that it
causes upon Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters.
The play
PETERS. (examining the cage). Why, look at this door. It's broke.
One hinge is pulled apart.MRS. HALE. (looking,
too.) Looks as if someone must have been rough with
it.MRS. PETERS. Why, yes. (she brings the cage
forward and puts it on the table.)MRS. HALE. I
wish if they're going to find any evidence they'd be about it. I don't like this
place.MRS. PETERS. But I'm awful glad you came with me,
Mrs. Hale. It would be lonesome of me sitting here
alone.MRS. HALE. It would, wouldn't it?
(Dropping her sewing). But I tell you what I do wish, Mrs. Peters.
I wish I had come over sometimes she was here. I-- (Looking around the
room.)--wish I
As we can see, it is
obvious that the birdcage and the whereabouts of the bird create a strong sensation in
the psyche of the ladies. They even feel the oppression of their friend's marriage and
the harshness of the situation. The tones in both characters, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters,
change completely once they realize what must have happened in the house. This is
especially obvious when Mrs. Hale says:
I wish I had come over when she was here. I wish
I had.
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