Wednesday, May 20, 2015

To whom is generally applied the diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder?

First, let me say that I am not a doctor, but I think I
have the answer you're looking for.  Schizophreniform disorder and schizophrenia are
very closely related diagnoses. Both have a set of similar symptoms, including

  • Delusions,

  • Hallucinations,

  • Disorganization,

  • Flat
    affected emotions,

  • Difficulty forming

The difference between the two
deals with duration and severity.  For a diagnosis of schizophrenia, one must generally
have had symptoms for more than six months and have a social/employment impairment.  A
diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder takes place after one month of symptoms, but
lasts for no more than six months.  Also, in schizophreniform disorder, the symptoms
may or may not be severe enough to impair a person.  Doctors
monitor a patient for the initial six months to see if symptoms will lessen and prove to
be temporary.

In short, not everyone with schizophrenic
symptoms has schizophrenia.  A diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder shows the need for
further monitoring and treatment with the hope that the symptoms will improve before the
threshold for true schizophrenia is reached.

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