Saturday, May 30, 2015

Who were muckrackers, and what contributions did they make?

Muckrakers were journalists of the Progressive Era (late
19th early 20th century) who wrote articles in major magazines exposing corruption in
business, government, even the stock market. They were given the name "muckraker" by
Theodore Roosevelt from John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress in which
Bunyan described a man who could only look downward with a muckrake in his hands. A
muckrake is a rake used to clean muck--a combination of straw and excrement--from horse
stables. Theodore Roosevelt said of them


the muckrakers are indispensable to . . .
society, but only if they know when to stop raking the

Among the more notable

  • Jacob Riis who wrote How
    the Other Half Lives,
    a description of the horrible living conditions in New
    York City, particularly those areas occupied by

  • Ida Mae Tarbell wrote A History of
    the Standard Oil Company.
    It was not a true "history" but rather a polemic of
    the ruthless business practices of John D.

  • Henry Demarest Lloyd: Wealth
    against Commonwealth,
    a description of large corporate concerns who answered
    to no one and even corrupted governments when it suited their

  • Upson Sinclair: The Jungle
    which was written as a Socialist Manifesto, but is more famous for describing the
    squalid conditions in Chicago's meat packing industry. Sinclair once said of the


I aimed for the nation's heart, but I hit it in
the stomach.

Most muckrakers
were better at pointing out problems rather than suggesting solutions; however
The Jungle did lead to major reform. Theodore Roosevelt read the
book, and sent inspectors to meat packing plants to see if the conditions described in
the book were true. It turns out they were. The inspectors

We saw
meat shoveled from filthy wooden floors, piled on tables rarely washed, pushed from room
to room in rotten box carts, in all of which processes it was in the way of gathering
dirt, splinters, floor filth, and the expectoration of tuberculous and other diseased

As a result, Congress
passed the Meat Inspection Act and the pure food and drug act.

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