Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Can you explain the feelings that Macbeth and Banquo have for each other after the first encounter with the three witches in Shakespeare's...

When the witches prophesy to Macbeth, Banquo makes simple
congratulatory comments. Then he immediately asks for his own prophecy. Banquo's first
thought is a "what about me" question. He briefly comments on Macbeth's future
successes. Then he asks for his own prophecy:


You greet my noble partner
current grace and great predictions
Of having nobility and of the hope to be
that he seems carried away as well. Only you don’t speak to
If you can look into the future,
And say what will happen, and
what will not,
Then speak to

This would indicate that
Banquo is little envious of Macbeth. Macbeth has just received a great prophecy, and
Banquo immediately desires his own prophecy. Banquo does not waste any time in asking
the witches for his own prophetic word. He does not dwell on Macbeth's fascinating
prophesy. He asks the witches to look in his future and tell him what will

It appears that the witches' prophecies have
slightly divided Macbeth and Banquo. As we learn later, this division will grow and lead
to Banquo's

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