Wednesday, August 21, 2013

In what way and to what purpose were reports of the events of April 19th manipulated for public consumption, especially as related in David Hackett...

In David Hackett Fischer's book, Paul Revere's
, April 19th refers to the Battles at Lexington and Concord. The
"skirmish" at Lexington was the most controversial because it is considered by many to
have started the Revolutionary War. The manipulation of the events of this confrontation
would serve to describe one side as the antagonist and the other as a group of innocent

When the colonials gathered at Lexington, it was
clear that they were outnumbered. The leader of the militiamen was Captain John Parker.
Because he was ill, his voice could not be heard clearly, so there was some confusion
among his men when he gave orders during the confrontation with the regulars. The
regulars (the Redcoats) were careful not to do anything that might be misconstrued as an
act of aggression.

At Lexington, there were only about 80
militiamen (though one member of the regular forces reported 200-300). The British army
was made up of much larger numbers. Parker instructed his men not
to start anything with the Regular Troops unless they "molested" the colonial soldiers.
When the regulars attacked quite suddenly, Parker reported that he tried to warn his
disperse and not fire:—Immediately said Troops made their appearance and rushed
furiously, fired upon, and killed eight of our Party without receiving any Provocation
therefor from us.

colonists were already resentful of King George's treatment of "his colonial subjects"
and equally so because of the presence of His Majesty's military forces. The detriment
the regulars suffered in being to blame for this unnecessary attack simply intensified
the hatred the British colonials had for the King and his

From the British leader, either Pitcairn or
William Sutherland, an order may have been given

down your arms, you damned

did order his men to disperse and go home, but in the
confusion—with Parker's poor voice—his orders were not clearly heard by
all—none of his men laid down the guns. While Parker and Pitcairn
both gave the order to "hold your fire," someone (no one knows for
sure) did fire. One of Parker's militia reported that no one in
their ranks had fired. Witnesses standing with the regulars reported a shot from a
colonial "onlooker." Others reported the shot came from "a mounted British officer."
However, both sides agreed that the shot did not come from the forces that were facing
each other on the ground at the Lexington green.

the British discredited them, impugning the "sense of honor" they insisted that they
followed in all things. Blaming the colonists really did not cause
them much worry: the British monarchy and soldiers already believed
the New Englanders to be a collection of stubborn, disorganized and weak "rabble"
(troublemakers). Their staunch resistance was a credit to all of
them, especially in that the English military was unprepared and was forced to contend
with these amazing men upon reaching Concord.

In sympathy
with their fellow colonials, placing the blame for "the shot heard round the world"
encouraged other colonists to join the forces fighting against the Crown. This would
have further united them and galvanized them into immediate action to protect their
homes, families and possessions (farm lands, supplies, money, etc.). Manipulation of
this news (by word-of-mouth or publication) would have inspired further support of the
colonials and less cooperation with the King's representatives.

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