Friday, April 4, 2014

What are the essential similarities and differences between Daniel Burnham and H.H. Holmes?

This is an interesting question because, on the surface,
these two men do not appear to have much in common. Erik Larson's story The
Devil in the White City
is the story of the Chicago World's Fair at the turn
of the century, and he follows the actions of Daniel Burnham and H.H. Holmes. One is
responsible for the most magnificent display of ingenuity and innovation the world had
ever seen; one is responsible for a series of bizarre murders which take place in the
shadow of the White City. Their differences, then, are relatively clear. Among other

  • Burnham's goal is lofty and will serve
    the greater good; Holmes's goal is self-serving and will actually harm everyone who
    comes too near him.

  • Burnam's creativity and ingenuity is
    on public display; Holmes's creativity and ingenuity is necessarily something he cannot
    have anyone see.

Despite that, they do have
some things in common. Among them:

  • They are both
    men who know how to accomplish their goals. Burnham has to work with others to achieve
    his goal; Holmes must work alone to accomplish his

  • Both men are creative and utilize great ingenuity
    in order to accomplish their goals.

  • Both men take
    advantage of visitors coming to Chicago--one to make money for the fair, the other
    to find unsuspecting victims who will not be easily

  • Both men are personable
    and intelligent.

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