"Sequence" is defined as "an arrangement of two or more
things in a successive order" (Collins Dictionary). In reference to "plot," sequence
means how events in the plot complications, conflicts and resolutions are arranged in
successive order, one after another--or--in some works, NOT one after another as a
result of flashback and flash-forward or modernist fragmentation. Let's look at sequence
in relation to "Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket."
This is a
suspenseful story told in chronological order with the inclusion of potentialities, if
Tom should slip, in the form of mind's-eye flash-forwards: The events Tom sees in his
mind's eye are not real, though he sees them as though
felt his balance leaving him. He saw himself falling with a terrible speed as his body
revolved in the air, knees clutched tight to his chest, eyes squeezed shut, moaning
softly.Out of utter necessity, knowing that any of these thoughts
might be reality in the very next seconds, he was slowly able to shut his mind against
every thought but what he now began to
The plot sequence, or
sequence of events in the plot, begin at the beginning and go through his adventure (he
might say misadventure)--including flash-forwards--and end with the resolution. The
conflict of Self against Self and the theme of self-realization are built up and
dramatized through the building sequence, which also builds
Briefly, s synopsis of the sequence is that Tom
is working and, feeling hot, opens his stubborn window. His wife leaves for a movie
while he stays home because he "has to work" (not strictly true ...). When his wife goes
out the front door of their flat, the gush of wind from the door joins with a gust of
wind from the open window to drag the all-important yellow paper out into the night high
above the city streets below. Tom goes in search of his paper and nearly loses his life.
As a result, he comes to have a new regard for himself and his wife and his work. Of
course the details of the adventure are left out of this short synopsis, yet this still
successfully illustrates sequence in reference to
plot with "Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket" as an
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